Cofty- the book I refered to is Darwin's Doubt by Stephen C. Meyer.
Chris Tann
JoinedPosts by Chris Tann
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Thanks sunny 23, good advice. Your plug in though is not supported on my pad.
Cofty- the web sites I had gone on I made sure were pro evolution. One even refuted WT books on the subject. I plan to download one of the books you suggested today after my!
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Thanks cofty , your article on Tiktaalik waz very good. I never knew it had gills and lungs; amazing! What is the creationists biggest criticism abou tiktaalik that you know of and how do evolutionists refute it?
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Thank you cofty for responding to my book request. I will first read your threads then pick a book and download it. Yes, it is true I haven't studied evolution thoroughly, I have read wed sites on the subject, and browsed some books. But you are correct at saying you have to take issue with me being a fair man, because I use to tell people that it is not fair to reject the Bible if you don't examine it thoroughly with an open mind, and I see that this would also apply to evolution.
Six years ago when I started this journey of finding truth I told myself- no more fear; accept whatever makes most sense even if I don't like it. So I must apply that when examining evolution. I guess I fear that if God really does exist then examining evolution would be such a slap in the face to him, which I don't want to do. Also evolution means- this is it, when I die thats it for me. I get depressed thinking about that. There is a new book, I think it is called something like Darwin Challenge; by Bart Ehrman ( I dont know how to spell his last name) have you read that?
Kaik- many events and places in the the Bible have been proven accurate. I have read about proof of Davids' existence. If something has not been proven it doesn't mean it is false, must I remind you of king Nebuchadnezzar? Critics said the Bible is untrue because there was no evidence for the longest; but then it did finally showed up.
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
"Evolution is a fact"
Stunningly ignorant thing to say- see , I can do it too. To go further, creation is a fact. But I'm a fair man,cofty. I'll tell you what, you recomend the best book on evolution that you know of,that is also written for lay people, and I'll read it. Then I will give you my honest opinion.
BTW, is it true that evolution is basically an impersonal, unintelligent force or process?
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Okay,okay I apologize for that statement about periods are a result of Adam's sin. I rushed into writing that without seriously thinking about it. Please accept my retraction of that statement and that I don't subscribe to that understanding. Thank you sincerely.
Tiresias- thanks for your kind words and encouragement. We need more sincere people like yoy.
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Sorry pistoff, I meant to write IF the Bible is true? Responding to your inquiry why does it matter to me. I believe a supreme spirit made me because their is evidence of spirit beings, and Evolution is more of a fairytale then creation. Of course the word slave has a negetive image in peoples minds today, especially since the horrid slave trade of Africa. But one has to remember that "slave" is what translators use at times to translate the Hebrew and Greek word found in the scriptures.
The Hebrew and Greek word simply means a servant, or bond srevant. This same word is used for loyal worshipers of God whom God favored. We must get out of our heads the bad image of what the "english" word slave brings up when reading scriptures. A servant was to be treated well,and masters were instructed to be fair and good to their servants.
Like it or not "periods" are things that came about because of Adams sin. This was physically unclean. Even today, my wife doesn't want to go out when on her period because she might embarass herself. Men also had to be seperate hen unclean. In the law, if a man had a nocturnal emission (wet dream) he had to wash,change garments and be unclean till evening.
Cold steel- I dont believe all prophecy was already fulfilled. Also, if God had prophecies uttered before, and instructions on what to do, why can't he do this again for the generation of mankind when the final end comes?
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Cofty-your coments about the Bible being full of errors,contradictions, scientificalyy wrong,etc... is how you and others interpret things. I can take the same issues and interpret them to support the Bible. We will go back and forth quoting "experts",interpreting what they say, differently,and nothing will really ever be settled. Why? Because there is nothing out there that is a smoking gun in proving one side or the other.
If you are saying Jesus said he prophesied that he would return after the fall of Jerusalem, then you have to admit he foretold Jerusalem would be destroyed soon...and it was. He mentioned that his presence would be as lighting striking in a far place,unseeable by the human eye, but like lighting ,even far away you see its effects; the sky lighting up from east to west. He also compared it to a corpse far off from sight.You know its thier, though, by the birds circling high above it- Matt.24:26-28. In Matt. 24:29 Jesus uses apocalyptic language which is found in the Hebrew prophets concerning a kingdom coming and conquering another. This was the Romans against Jerusalem. He shows that this event signaled his return, then he would gather his holy ones... to heaven.
Just because there is no record of faithful ones going to heaven,doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen.
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Cofty, sorry for the delay. Believe me I know where your coming from. I doubt the Bible for the exact reasons you specify. Why does it have to take over 2000 years for God to wipe out wickedness? If the savior came, lets have mankinds salvation! What keeps me hanging on are a few things. There's something different about the Bible, it has had such a great positive influence on so many people around the world for thousands of years.( I know, it also has had a negative effect as well, but I feel the problem with that lies with the individual).
The Bible does read as accurate historic information, not fanciful fiction. There is evidence to support certain prophecies that were fulfilled. To me, the Bible is too much of an enduring, influential book to dismiss. What other religious book ,besides the Koran, has had such a life changing effect on humanity for thousands and thousands of years?
There are good points to support the Bibles claim, and good points to discredit it. But to me, neither side is 100% in its claims. Therefore I will continue to search both sides of the argument. Hoping one day it will be as clear as that the sun is hot, nobody can dispute that fact.
So the Bible is true Pistoff, then this gives me answers, and understanding of who made me.
To Designs: many things in the Bible are obscure, however, Paul does say that we see in a hazy outline or as a riddle,until what is perfect comes. So, what is perfect has not come yet. Perhaps this is Gods' way. We may not agree that it makes sense, but if it is from the all intelegent being, then of course we think that way. And perhaps God will reveal everything to everyone and all will be given a fair chance to decide if they want it or not. The Bible may just be for those who dont need 100% clarity, and will follow it on faith.
It could be that they will just receive special privileges, while those who need 100% truth revealed will get perfect everlasting life, just not the same privileges. But now I'm speculating, and we cant live our lives on that. My question is why does it matter to those that Iam hanging on to the Bible? It sure doesn't matter to me that your not.
by Chris Tann inwhen i started to do my research concerning ttatt, i started to see the scriptures in a different light.
one thing i noticed is that when the epistles talk about the last days, christs presence, the ressurection to heaven; the writers were speaking specifically of their time, not some two thousand years later.
even when jesus speaks of his presence and the kingdom being established, he was talking to his disciples of that time and what they were soon to expect.
Chris Tann
Sloppyjoe2-first off, with all due respect ,you really should proof read your comments before posting them. I could barely comprehend what you wrote. Secondly: 1. I put effort in valuing my work,also I pursue what I love to do on occasions
2. I have attended Columbia College in Chicago
3.I tried learning sign language and spanish, it didn't interest me
4.I have been drawing for some 30 years, and Iam quite good at it
5. Been playing guitar for 27years and play at events with my family and friends
6. I read great books that I love ,all the time
7. Read a great book by a Christian on investing and have implemented some suggestions
8. Go to Mexico for vacation many times inspiring books on how to correct my weaknesses, and they have worked
10. I have met people of different lifestyles, although I may not agree with some, I treat them with kindness
11. Charity work is on my list, but regrettably I have not it done yet
13. I have ran several marathons including a mudathalon. I love to jog
14. Several years ago I did teach myself to cook, and my family loves many of my dishes
You see sloppyjoe i never said my beliefs were correct. If you refference what I said you will see that I said I'm a notsurist, meaning I'm just not sure what is the truth. However I may lean towards understandings of the Bible that make more sense to me. Leaning toward means; it makes most sense to be true ,but I cannot subscribe to it as being absolute truth.
Also I see nothing wrong in believing in the Bible or God. Or at least be open to it. It is very comforting to me when I soberly read it, and applying it does benefit me and my family. Unlike what you falsely claimed about me, I do feel you can live your life in a purposeful way without including religion. Unfortunately I see or hear alot of ex-witnesses living thier lives by going back to cursing, getting pierced , partying immoraly. I know this is not everyone. There are alot of atheist and non Witness Christians who live upstanding lives.
I was reffering to those who become immoral, cursing drunkards when I said ,is this the living Hamsterbait was referring too. If not, then Iam living my life in a way which doesnt always include religion. However I do feel studying and applying the Bible makes MY life enriching.